The Denver Police Department’s Neighborhood Safety Plans

The Denver Police Department’s Neighborhood Safety Plans is a community engagement initiative that utilizes data on community perceptions of public safety collected through the Denver Public Safety Survey October 22 through December 8, 2023 to inform priorities and strategies in Denver’s 78 neighborhoods neighborhoods. Community perceptions of crime and public safety matter. No two neighborhoods are alike. Take the Denver Public Safety Survey to share your concerns about how crime and public safety impact quality of life in your neighborhood. If you live and/or work in Denver, make sure your voice is heard and share your concerns about public safety in your neighborhood.

You may have noticed some interactive signs popping up on objects around Denver, asking people to have a friendly chat. Using Hello Lamp Post, an innovative engagement platform that makes public spaces interactive, the signs offer an opportunity to access and ask questions about the survey. To see where the interactive signs are located, see the Denver map for the sign locations. To ask questions and access the survey see: Hello Denver - Online.